Tricks & Treats in the Sonoma Valley Garden
Fun Fact: Actual 'brooms' used to be made out of the “Broom” plant or as it is called: Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) - a shrub with...
Dog Days of Summer? In the Garden
Why are they called the Dog Days of Summer? Because the star Sirius is also called Canis Major - the Dog Star. It is the brightest star...
Sonoma Valley Gardening in the Late Spring
After the long cold and wet Winter, the sun finally came out and in reaction came a fast burst of energy we thought would never come. But...
Spring’s Garden - Nature Therapy
Ready or not, Spring is here, budding, flowering and pushing through to the warmth of the Sun
Creating a Sustainable Summer Garden in Sonoma County: Eco-Friendly Tips
We had the most perfectly beautiful and joyful Spring almost all the way through June with cool temperatures, some drizzle from lovely coast
February Gardening Tips: What to Focus on this Month
With these February garden tips, you can protect your garden and set yourself up for a successful spring.
Winter Garden Maintenance: Tips for Keeping Your Garden Healthy in January
While many assume that gardens are dormant in winter, proper maintenance can ensure that your garden remains vibrant and healthy.
Maximizing Your Early Spring Garden: Planning and Design Tips
In this article, we share planning and design tips to help with spring weather's unpredictable nature.
Spring is nearly here!
With all the rains the forest awakens lush and plump! Today there is a little bit of blue sky and sun peeking through the clouds...